Projects that include solutions such as the use of energy-efficient equipment and systems, insulation, rehabilitation and process regulation, prevention or minimization of unnecessary energy use, waste energy, energy losses and leakages, as well as waste energy recovery and cogeneration systems are considered as Efficiency Enhancing Projects (EEP).
Projects with a total investment value of up to 5 million Turkish Liras excluding VAT are supported with a grant of up to 30% of the project value.
Industrial enterprises operating under the chamber of commerce and industry, chamber of commerce or chamber of industry with a total annual energy consumption of 500 TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent) or more and producing all kinds of goods, other than legal entities holding licenses for electricity generation activities, can apply for EEP support.
EEP support applications are accepted by the Ministry (Department of Energy Efficiency and Environment). Announcements regarding application dates and criteria are announced on the Ministry’s website.