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Sustainability Reporting

What is a Sustainability Report?

The GRI Standards help organizations understand their impact on the economy, environment and society, including human rights. This enhances accountability and increases transparency about their contribution to sustainable development.
The Standards are a modular system of three series of Standards – Universal Standards, Sector Standards and Topic Standards.
Organizations can use the GRI Standards to prepare a sustainability report in accordance with the Standards, or they can use selected Standards (or some of their content) to disclose information for specific users or purposes, for example, the impacts of climate change for investors and consumers.

How are Reporting Standards Determined?

Reporting is done in accordance with a worldwide standard. These standards are determined by the work of the Global Report Initiative (GRI) and the same conditions apply worldwide.

The GRI Standards enable any organization, large or small, private or public, to understand and report on its impacts on the economy, environment and people in a comparable and reliable way, thereby increasing transparency about its contribution to sustainable development. In addition to the Standards, companies are also extremely important to many stakeholders, including investors, policymakers, capital markets and civil society.

  • Universal Standards: include reporting on human rights and environmental due diligence in line with intergovernmental expectations and apply to all organizations.
  • Sector Standards: provide more consistent reporting on sector-specific impacts.
  • Topic Standards: standards that specify disclosures on a particular topic.

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