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Plastic Credits

Plastic Credits are a compelling emerging financial instrument to incentivize both the removal of plastic from the environment and the recycling of plastic into new products and packaging. The idea behind plastic credits is to create a market-based solution that enables private sector companies to invest in waste management, collection and recycling programs in a transparent, performance-driven manner. Plastic Credits can also provide an independently audited verification system for companies aiming to meet their plastic reduction targets.

What is the Plastic Credits

Plastik krediler genellikle plastik atıkları toplayan ve geri dönüştüren kuruluşlar tarafından satılır ve şirketler bu kredileri kendi plastik kullanımlarını da

Plastic credits are usually sold by organizations that collect and recycle plastic waste, and companies can purchase these credits to offset their own plastic use. By purchasing plastic credits, companies can support the recycling of plastic waste and finance waste management programs.

The system was developed to measure, finance and “credit” new activities that recover and/or recycle plastic above baseline rates, ensuring that new activities deliver incremental results in reducing environmental plastic leakage. One Plastic Credit represents one ton of plastic waste collected or recycled by a new project or activity that would otherwise leak into the environment.


engelemek için satın alabilir. Şirketler, plastik kredileri satın alarak plastik atıkların geri dönüşümünü destekleyebilir ve atık yönetimi programlarını finanse edebilir.

Sistem, temel oranların üzerinde plastiği geri kazanan ve/veya geri dönüştüren yeni faaliyetleri ölçmek, finanse etmek ve “kredilendirmek” için geliştirildi ve yeni faaliyetlerin çevresel plastik sızıntısını azaltmada artımlı sonuçlar sağlamasını sağladı. Bir Plastik Kredi, yeni bir proje veya faaliyet tarafından toplanan veya geri dönüştürülen ve aksi takdirde çevreye sızacak olan bir ton plastik atığı temsil eder.


What Do Plastic Loans Provide?

A company’s investment in a Plastic Credit project supports long-term investment in the infrastructure and capacity building needed to establish permanent, sustainable waste management systems, as opposed to one-off cleanup activities. Projects are enrolled in the Plastic Program because it provides long-term financing for 7-21 years, depending on the project’s crediting period.

The financing from the sale of Plastic Credits can enable the development of such waste management infrastructure that would not otherwise be viable without the proceeds from the lending mechanism. Through these verifiable investments, companies can facilitate the transition to a circular economy and accelerate the fulfillment of plastics management targets.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Plastics Standard sets requirements for new or scaled-up collection and recycling projects that can measure their impact in a credible, transparent and consistent way to generate Plastic Credits. Projects must meet strict requirements, including social and environmental safeguards. Credits are awarded for the additional amount of plastic waste collected from the environment and managed responsibly (e.g. recycled, landfilled or incinerated with energy recovery) or for any plastic recycled beyond a basic recycling rate.
Any company that wants to reduce its plastic footprint beyond its own value chain can purchase Plastic Credits. Proceeds from credit sales enable projects to maintain or expand their collection and/or recycling activities.

Projects that measurably increase the collection and/or recycling of waste plastic above baseline rates. Creditable activities include, but are not limited to: community waste collection from the environment; collection and sorting of recyclable plastic waste; development of new or expanded waste collection infrastructure; and development of new or expanded recycling infrastructure.
Most of the credited collection activities will take place in economies dependent on “informal” waste management, where waste collection projects must ensure the inclusive and beneficial inclusion of local waste collector communities.

A Plastic Credit represents one ton of collected or recycled plastic waste certified by the Plastic Standard. Projects generating Plastic Credits must meet strict requirements, including social and environmental safeguards. Verra issues credits for the additional amount of plastic waste collected from the environment and managed responsibly, or for any plastic recycled beyond a basic rate. Companies can purchase credits to invest in scaling up plastic waste collection, recycling or waste management infrastructure as part of a full lifecycle approach to plastics management.

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